One day I was looking at a family portrait and it was so obvious we were all fake smiling, because I defo remember, just before the photograph was taken, we'd had a right old ding dong. It probably started over where me and my brother were going to stand and it ended with us both pushing our sister into a light stand which then fell over and tore the colourama. My dad then whacked me and my mum started crying.
The end happy result was a bit of a lie, but it hung on our wall and was living proof we were a perfect that day. It ended up in the garage and one day I spilt something on it. It blobbed onto my face and ran down my cheek making it look like I was crying.
How spooky. It now looked closer to what really went on in that photography studio.
I then persuaded a few friends to give me their family photos and I attacked them with paint and inks. The results were far more interesting than the original. The mums and dad's now had horns, the kids horrible face masks.
Not everyone likes the end result and I have had a few friends not speak to me for a while after receiving my version of their family portraits, but I see it more as living proof that we all have inner wierdos and daemons trying to get out.